DINA Elektronik

Headquarters restructuring and extension

After intensive research and the elaboration of a development strategy, the client commissioned our team to proceed with the restructuring of the company´s headquarters. The new big-scale intervention is therefore focused on two main points: repairing all the weak points detected in the analysis phase, and creating the spaces and tools the company needs to achieve its goals in the near future.

In line with the development strategy, the building was emptied and completely refurbished. In this restructuring, all the building’s internal communications and uses were redistributed in accordance with the existing relationships between departments. To this end, a new connection was created between the three buildings, creating a “new bridge” that connects them on the first floor.

As part of this restructuring, we worked closely with the management team to redesign the production and distribution chain and achieve greater efficiency. In this new production line, we also introduced a specific area for visitors where they can see the manufacturing processes of the brand. In this way, not only productivity is improved but also processes that until now were not visible to outsiders are made more transparent.

At the same time, office spaces are redesigned to adapt to the new working systems and the needs of the company. Following our guide for offices 4.0, the workspace changes to introduce areas with different degrees of privacy, areas for collaboration and teamwork, and hotspots for visitors or non-regular workers… And all those elements allow for a flexible and efficient organization, improving in turn productivity and workers’ happiness.

Finally, all the building’s installations are reviewed, and new domotic systems and elements of passive architecture are introduced, seeking to transform it into a more sustainable and efficient construction. This not only makes for a healthier workplace but also reduces the cost and pollution generated by the building.

Client  Private / Year  2022 / Type  Development strategy / Location  Wolfschlugen / Status  Under Construction