Fundbüro is an international design firm based in Berlin. Our multidisciplinary team explores from an innovative point of view the connections between design and society through different fields.    


We know:

Our cities and habitats, the way we live and relate to each other are going to change within the next few years. Society is continually in evolution, the last advances in science and technology will generate extraordinary and extremely fast changes, but also the risk of the inequality gap enlargement will be higher. Our capacity of adaptation and understanding is going to be challenged. Therefore, our cities, buildings, and objects can no longer be designed based only on the needs of their immediate surroundings. They must also be capable of being a physical support of the digital world to allow and potentiate connectivity inside our communities  and between them. They must be empathic, and have the capacity of changing physically and qualitatively to adapt and evolve to fit new scenes and environments, being always an asset to their ecosystems.

We believe that:

Design has the capacity to unify all these settings and eliminate imbalance and inequalities.

Open knowledge and design will have a great impact allowing accessibility to any advance to all the members of society.

Science and design are responsible for human evolution and their combination is the key to a greater future social development.

Cities, building, and objects should be thought as cyber-physical systems able to control and introduce positively new technologies to our lives.

Design has the power to develop the creativity and imagination of society to make it free of prejudices.

Design has the psychological power to affect and modify human behaviors and moods.

Every project, public or private, has a social, economical, and environmental responsibility.

The smallest action will generate big changes in our life and society.


We defend an open creative process which varies in scale, medium and level of freedom.

We are comfortable designing at any scale; xs, s, m, l, and xl. We jump from one project to another without sacrificing any attention to detail and the specific needs of the project.

We navigate through virtual and physical mediums which permit us to build bridges between them.

We flee from conventionalism, always questioning the purpose of everything and making creative decisions based on investigation and research rather than on established norms.

We create adaptable designs where the project has the ability to evolve responding to the future necessities of our society and reducing the waste, consume and production.

We participate in new collaborative models, working as a net that grows and changes depending on each project to give the best and most complete experience to every client.

We love designing and we start every project with illusion and passion. This state of joy is transferred to our work, where the strength of our happy design makes the difference.

As the german word for „Lost& Found“, Fundbüro finds the best solutions for lost or unexpected situations.